Scripts & Screenplays

JaZzyMaE Media provides creative concepts and scripts for the eye, the ear, the mind, the heart, and the soul.

Film, video, and audio productions of our scripts have attracted an Emmy-nomination and dozens of awards. More importantly, they achieved or exceeded communication goals – with both style and substance.

engaging visual & audio storytelling • production savvy • on time & on budget

entertainment – narrative storytelling
awareness campaign
educational/explainer video
interactive museum exhibit
commercial ad
lifestyle video
corporate promo

Produced scripts
written for film, video and audio:

"Laurie is an exceptional and talented writer. She’s always a pleasure to collaborate with and makes the scriptwriting process super smooth. She's been our 'go to' scriptwriter for many of our PR, educational, public outreach, and corporate video projects for 10+ years."

Select Client Projects

Levis "Care for Our Planet" ecological educational promo video - script written by Laurie Lamson
Levi's: "Care For Our Planet"
corporate environmental promo video
-->click pic to learn more
Ontario International Airport
“SoCal, So Easy”
-->click pic to learn more
UnturningSteel-1920x1080 copy
Never Forgotten Media: "Unturning Steel"
documentary video, articles, web content
-->click pic to learn more

Select Screenplays

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--> click pic to learn more
Trout's Honor
-->click pic to learn more
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